
Packing Trial (aka - I'm bored)

Packing Trial 
(aka - I'm bored)

I got kind've bored tonight and decided to look for luggage. All I have are vintage suitcases. The big one that has a matching train case broke while I was in Europe D:, my other one is kinda small, and the one my grandparents bought in Europe is waaay to big (because it had to fit the one that broke). 

I don't like the average black suitcases you can find anywhere. They are so plain and ugly. 

So after hours of searching, I came across a cute set that I liked (I found another one I liked but couldn't find where to buy it)

I love it, but I also have some issues.

It's cute, and pink, and works with lolita
They lock and look secure.
The suitcase is small enough to be a carry-on.
I need a suitcase that has wheels.
The suitcase has a thing inside that's like extra pockets...?

It's only an inch bigger than my small suitcase
Doesn't go well with normal travel, I'd have to be dressed really cute/lolita.
The set is $280

Well......yeah. I'm conflicted.
I'd definitely need those vacuum bags. Yeah, I did some research on those too and I'm getting mixed messages XD

SO, I went into my room and decided to see what I could fit into the small suitcase (since it's about the same size)

Here's what it looked like:

What's inside:
1 sweater, 1 pair of shoes, 1 dress, 1 skirt, 1 pair of bloomers, 3 pairs on underwear, 3 pairs of socks, 1 headbow, 1 cutsew, 1 petticoat, 1 blouse

(Whoops, I forgot pajamas....)

Now, assuming I'll wear to the airport a cutsew over a tshirt/tank, jeans, shoes, socks, a headbow, and carry a jacket, I think I'm good for a week (yes, I'd need more underwear) and still have room to add a few things that I bring back.

Of course, if I got vacuum bags, I could hold a lot more, but yeah..... lots of mixed reviews has me worried.


I found this, and I like it much better :)


Christmas in the Park Meetup + New Items!

Christmas in the Park Meetup
New Items!

So, I couldn't go to the tea in the Fairmont, but I came for the ice skating :D

We walked around Christmas in the Park for a bit, and even got our picture taken by somebody <3

Here's the pictures from various people:

And here's me!

Outfit rundown:
JSK - selfmade IW replica
Turtleneck - offbrand
Headbow - BTSSB
Shoes - offbrand
Stockings - offbrand
Bag - IW

New Items!


Me and my siblin's

My silly silly sister~


Christmas Tea Meetup SF

Christmas Tea Meetup SF

Happy Holidays!

My first Holiday party this year was on sunday.
My friend Leah came over and borrowed my stuff since she'd more into Mori.

We made a day of it; got a sliver in a movie/comercial, visited AP, and took Purikura.

While we waited for a lolita and her BF to come out of a booth (so I could ask her if she was going to the party too) Leah took some pictures of us together

Here are pics of purikura Leah posted on FB since I'm too lazy to do the rest:

The photos I took:

The group picture Brian took:

My outfit rundown
Blouse - BL
Shoes - Custom House
Hairbow - IW


Meetup: Dicken's Faire

Meetup: Dicken's Faire

 On November 27th, I went to a meetup for the Dicken's Faire, modeled after Charles Dicken's Victorian London. It was my third time going. It wasn't the best, but I still had a good time :)

I'm not feeling to well so I'll skip the descriptions and just give you some of the pictures (yes from Jeanine :0 every time she's there I let her take them)